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Courting A Man cover  N 9.2.24.jpeg
Debut Poetry Collection
by Shizue Seigel

Coyotebrush Books, an imprint of Pease Press

96 pp.$18.00

Publication date: November 2024

ISBN: 978-1-7330590-6-0    

Wry and tender field notes on the emotional cartography

of love across difference.


Many men don’t have words to express what’s deepest  in their hearts. Lover or husband, father or son, employer or co-worker—each has different styles of wordlessness and different reasons for it.


In today’s polarized world, breaking through the silence is essential, especially across divisions of race, class, generation, culture, or religion.

"Breathtakingly fierce and honest poetry that smashes Asian American stereotypes and reveals complexities of love across race, class, age and religion. Provokes fist-pumping, sighing, cheering, and laughing throughout."  —Susan Kiyo Ito, I Would Meet You Anywhere


Courting A Man Who Doesn’t Talk began as midnight journaling to puzzle out an budding romance between a fortyish, Asian American single mother and a twenty-something white man. Thirty years later, the personal experiment has stood the test of time, but the larger social battle for equality and respect between women and men is still being waged, one day at a time, one person at a time. 

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